About Us
Sport Memorabilia
Canvas Stretching
Shadow Boxes
Custom Mirrors
DNA Art Portraits
Art & Frame Restoration
Professional Photo Service
Aerial Photography
Printing on Canvas
The staff at Masterpiece is committed to assisting our customers with the following services →
  • Custom Framing with Only Museum-Quality Components
  • Museum Curved Frames
  • Restoration Services
  • Photo Services
  • Family Projects
  • Birthday Parties
  • Private Art Sessions.
The Masterpiece is celebrating
35 years in business.

Family owned and operated by Igor Annopolsky, the shop has always focused on the highest level of service and is the only custom framing company in Westchester to offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Mr. Annopolsky is very passionate about his personally handcrafted framings and believes the craftsmanship lies in complementing the artwork, not eclipsing it. “Framing is like a dress on a beautiful woman. It’s important that a frame make the artwork pop, not the other way around,” he explained.

Mr. Annopolsky has worked in the business of canvas and frame restoration for 35 years. Consequently, when he spotted the “For Sale” sign on the longstanding framing shop at 243 Halstead Avenue 20 years ago, he jumped at the opportunity.
He rechristened it Masterpiece Framing and transformed the space.

As a photographer with a keen eye, as well as an art aficionado, Mr. Annopolsky appreciates talented artists and takes pleasure showcasing their work. He has featured watercolor painters and sculptors, and has provided a venue for World War II airplane prints, miniature car models, and favorite pet photography contests.

Above all, he insists that wherever his customers' interests lie, everything they hang on their walls “should feel like a masterpiece to them to be enjoyed for years.”
What's New

We all have hundreds and hundreds of photographs stored on our phones, computers, photo cameras. All those photographs are our memories. Those memories are deserved to be seen on the big screen, but not on our phones nor computer screen.

The Malina Smart frame is the device that can help.

Malina is not designed as a TV but as a picture frame displaying hundreds and hundreds of pictures ....
Your memories can be uploaded through WiFi or a USB memory stick!
We have a large selection of framed mirrors handcrafted by the best moulding designers of Italy, France, US, Canada, and Spain.

These frames are all crafted by recycled materials as our goal is to keep our world healthy!

Learn More and Buy on Etsy.